So you think you want to start a business? Start SMALL. You have no idea how much of your life it will suck away! Seriously, though, I feel like I am never going to get caught up, EVER. My "to-do" has over a hundred things on it- every time I cross something off, four new things get added. Feeling pretty exhausted, kinda down at the moment. I have a ton of work to do this week, so I just wanted to stop in, give an update, and an explanation if I seem MIA for the next few days. If I have to forgo sleep entirely this week, I will- I AM GOING TO GET CAUGHT UP, even if it kills me!
Just a few pics, because I hate to post without pics:
Here are the girls, this is from Sydney's big birthday bash.
This was at the end of a crawdad (is that how you spell that?) fishing excursion, that did not go so well. Apparently you can catch them with bacon? When asked "Did you catch anything?" Sophie replied, "YES! We caught ants."
And lastly, to the stinky pooh pooh swine flu (possible) pandemic, which is threatening to ruin our planned family vacation- really, are the fates conspiring to keep me from ever taking a vacation? It certainly feels that way! Oh well, back to work for me...