So this is the fourth time this year, that this happened to us, and to be perfectly honest I am just tired of it. Previously, its been our policy to deal with copyright and intellectual property violations privately and as amicably as possible, but apparently its just not working, so I have no problem publicly outing these dishonest sellers.
Here's how it started today: I got this email :
Here's how it started today: I got this email :
Okay, so I go check it out. The My Space page in question has 9 pictures on it. I recognize one of the pictures as belonging to another purse designer (not me, but also not the person in question), and the last one (the 9th one) is this:
So, hummmm....Look familiar??? I sure think so, since that's not only a purse Hero On My Arm made, it actually my purse, as in me, Seneca, this is the purse I carried around at Ft. Hood for over a year:
Okay, so contact My Space Admin, ask them to please resolve the issue. Then email the person directly, please remove the picture, it's ours, it's a purse we made, its wrong for you to post a picture of it misrepresenting it as your own, thanks for your time, etc. etc. etc.
And this is what I get back:
And then as if that wasn't enough, just one more mean message:
So, obviously I'm not actually going to hand out this dishonest person's name or her website, and I've covered up that information, but if you happen upon her, this is what her profile looks like:
If you know this person, take a minute to let her know that what she's doing is NOT COOL.
Those of us that have been making purses for years and operate our businesses with integrity don't mind if new designers enter the market. Everyone has a different style, a different taste, and can find a designer that suites them. Its a TRUE and GREAT HONOR every time a military spouse entrusts you with their soldier's uniform to create something special. I am gracious for every single customer Hero On My Arm has ever had, and all the customers we will have in the future.
That being said- all you dishonest sellers- PLEASE rethink what you are doing, it is WRONG. There is NO GRAY area, this isn't a designer accusing another of copying a design or a concept (I've NEVER said to anyone "You copied our purses!"), this is about STEALING photos from purse designers and trying to pass them off as your own. It will be my policy from now on, every time that it happens, I will not only document it, I will post it here. It needs to stop.
...Climbing down off my soap box now.
Those of us that have been making purses for years and operate our businesses with integrity don't mind if new designers enter the market. Everyone has a different style, a different taste, and can find a designer that suites them. Its a TRUE and GREAT HONOR every time a military spouse entrusts you with their soldier's uniform to create something special. I am gracious for every single customer Hero On My Arm has ever had, and all the customers we will have in the future.
That being said- all you dishonest sellers- PLEASE rethink what you are doing, it is WRONG. There is NO GRAY area, this isn't a designer accusing another of copying a design or a concept (I've NEVER said to anyone "You copied our purses!"), this is about STEALING photos from purse designers and trying to pass them off as your own. It will be my policy from now on, every time that it happens, I will not only document it, I will post it here. It needs to stop.
...Climbing down off my soap box now.
Unbelieveable!! I wish you had more legal grounds for people who steal!
That's just rude, and totally unprofessional. Shame on her.
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