Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Big Plans...

Everything, has its peaks and valleys- life, love, business, politics...everything.  Recovering from Christmas and trying to feel inspired was definitely a low point for me, I must admit.  Running a business while trying to run a household, raise kids, have a life, deal with the Army- its exhausting!  Sometimes you just have to wait for the inspiration to hit, and then....BAM!.... You are back on top of Mount Subasio, just like that! 


So what is it, you ask?

Sorry....I can't give that away just yet, lol.

But it's good, I PROMISE.  I love it when I can get clarity on something, wrap my brain around it, develop a plan, a to do list, a plan of action.

I promise I'll share lots of hints as it develops.  Until then, get up, get loose and get into the groove (courtesy of some old school Madonna, if you turn your speakers up).

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Where has February Gone???

Seriously!  The month is almost over, I can hardly believe it.  There's definitely still A LOT left on my to do list, but here's a biggie:

So, its not actually something I'm doing, but its happening this month.  This is the new Hero On My Arm Studios!!!  It will be finished in a few weeks and I can hardly wait.  Working in a temp space is hard!  Hopefully, I'll get some more things wrapped up in the next few weeks and have more to share with everyone.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You know you had a rough day...

...when you fall asleep at the dinner table!

Monday, February 9, 2009

As National Bankruptcy Day Looms...

My thoughts have strayed a little on the topic of the CPSIA.  Why?  Well because, tomorrow, February 10th, the Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act goes into effect.  If you don't know what this means, read this or take a look here.  

So if tomorrow you see an empty toy shelf, books missing from a library, a local boutique closed- maybe a light bulb will go on and you will say "that is what those crazy people have been blogging and tweeting about".
However, my prediction is actually that you won't see much of a change at all.  Why?  Well, people are confused, for sure, there's a lot of "wait and see" happening.  But there's also something else...There are a lot of people saying "I won't get caught"  

The CPSIA is bad legislation, its poorly written, its timetables don't allow for the kind of clarification needed, and it has "unintended consequences" so far reaching that tomorrow's been dubbed NATIONAL BANKRUPTCY DAY, for crying out loud.  So I can understand people wanting to ignore it- to a point.  That's where my slightly veering off topic (but slightly not) point comes in:

Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
14th century
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values

A lot of good people did the right thing as far as the CPSIA is concerned- they had their products tested via XRF guns, they stopped selling children's items all together, they followed the guidelines for creating GCCs.  For a lot of people, the right thing (as in abiding by the law) meant closing up shop completely, or at least temporarily, until they could comply with the new law.  These people, in my opinion, have integrity- and I can only hope that their honest actions are rewarded in some way.

I feel a lot less good will for those people that plan to continue to operate in defiance of the CPSIA.  How can you write up that next sale, knowing your competitor just voluntarily closed their doors and you are reaping the benefits of their honesty and integrity?

I have no idea what the answer to the CPSIA problem is, but I hope someone finds it soon. 

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I feel old...

I was making copies of order forms at our local Office Depot and I saw this . I was so sad- I didn't even realize they'd ended the broadway run of Rent. Of coarse, I instantly felt old, too.  I saw the show for the first time back in 1998 (when I was 19) at the Shaftesbury Theatre in the West End in London.  Since it had just opened there, it was the original broadway cast performing.  Seriously, I can't believe that was MORE than 10 years ago!

This picture was taken later in the day- we took the first train of the morning from Oxford into London, stood in line for 3 hours for the £10 tickets (we got in the second row) to see the matinee show, then after the show we went and saw the evening performance of Les Mis.

Enjoy the sounds of Rent playing over there to the right while I go answer emails and try and forget how old I am...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

CPSIA Again...

Cut and pasted from the Fashion Incubator (b/c Kathleen always says it better than I could!), in response to the question, "What should we be doing to help?" :

1. Call your Senator (switchboard: 202-224-3121).

2. Identify yourself as a constituent and ask to speak with the Senator or the staff assistant who follows Commerce issues.

3. Ask him/her to co-sponsor Senator DeMint’s CPSIA Reform Legislation, and tell them if they have questions about the legislation they can contact Tom Jones in Senator DeMint’s DC office at 202-224-6121. Tom’s email address is tom_jonesATcommerceDOTsenateDOTgov

4. Ask them to vote for the CPSIA Reform legislation when it comes to the Senate floor, possibly as an amendment to the stimulus package as has been rumored.

5. Get five friends to do steps 1-4.

6. Tell us how your conversations went.  (On the CSPIA public forum, would be a good place, or even the Etsy board on the subject)


Those that live in glass houses...

...should not throw stones.


I imagine this might not make sense to most people reading this, but heck, what's a blog for if not to rant occasionally about something that's irking you!

So here goes (and this has nothing to do with me, by the way, just something I happened to read on someone else's blog)...

I think its mean to call someone out if they aren't allowed to defend themselves.  I think its doubly mean to then allow other people to post comments, basically ganging up on someone in a very one sided fight.  There are two sides to every story, always- two versions, two accounts.  

Everyone hates a rank whore, got it.  But how are you any better by blogging about one?  You aren't.  I say you are worse, particularly by creating a public forum to display your moral superiority.  Ick.

I just wonder if the said blogger realizes how often her bags are used to do the very thing she's condemning-  make others feel inferior...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I Heart Senator Jim DeMint...

Yesterday, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) approved a stay of certain certification and testing requirements under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). 

“The stay of enforcement provides some temporary, limited relief to the crafters, children’s garment manufacturers and toy makers who had been subject to the testing and certification required under the CPSIA. These businesses will not need to issue certificates based on testing of their products until additional decisions are issued by the Commission. However, all businesses, including, but not limited to, handmade toy and apparel makers, crafters and home-based small businesses, must still be sure that their products conform to all safety standards and similar requirements, including the lead and phthalates provisions of the CPSIA. ”

Senator Jim DeMint (Republican, South Carolina) also introduced legislation to amend the CPSIA.  It's detailed HERE.

He is my most favorite person right now, lol!

Unfortunately, there's a lot of gratuitous celebrating going on right now.  The problem of the CPSIA did not get "solved" but at least there is progress being made.