Cut and pasted from the Fashion Incubator (b/c Kathleen always says it better than I could!), in response to the question, "What should we be doing to help?" :
1. Call your Senator (switchboard: 202-224-3121).
2. Identify yourself as a constituent and ask to speak with the Senator or the staff assistant who follows Commerce issues.
3. Ask him/her to co-sponsor Senator DeMint’s CPSIA Reform Legislation, and tell them if they have questions about the legislation they can contact Tom Jones in Senator DeMint’s DC office at 202-224-6121. Tom’s email address is tom_jonesATcommerceDOTsenateDOTgov
4. Ask them to vote for the CPSIA Reform legislation when it comes to the Senate floor, possibly as an amendment to the stimulus package as has been rumored.
5. Get five friends to do steps 1-4.
6. Tell us how your conversations went. (On the CSPIA public forum, would be a good place, or even the Etsy board on the subject)
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