Friday, June 20, 2008

This is me...

I decided to go ahead and start a separate blog for myself, instead of blogging about personal stuff on the business blog. Not really sure how many people are out there reading, but what the heck!
So this is me, Seneca:

I wanted to use this picture:

But my husband said it looked too "Glamour Shots", (which it is!) so I decided to use the first one instead. We are going to have family pictures taken again in the fall, I'll try and get a newer one of me then.

For anybody that doesn't know me, like I said, my name is Seneca. My husband is an Apache Helicopter pilot in the US Army, and we are stationed at Ft. Rucker, Alabama. We have two beautiful girls, Sydney Claire and Sophie Elizabeth:

I am the owner of the Polka dot Door Boutique, LLC. You can visit our website via any of the following links (they all take you to the same place!):

I began my business making shopping cart covers, then children's clothing on eBay, and now military uniform purses and gifts. I have authored a few sewing eBooks, tried my hand at template designing, and my newest goals are turning our Hero On My Arm purses into a direct sales business and writing a book.

I hope if you are a military spouse (or even if you aren't) juggling being a wife, a mom, and running your own company (or contemplating starting one), that you find my ramblings helpful, maybe even insightful. If you ever want to reach me, my email is:

1 comment:

Erin said...

I stumbled upon your blog this evening. I'm an Army wife myself and a sewer. I made my first ACU purse last fall before my husband graduated from AIT. I snagged a pattern and deconstructed an ACU top, adding my own touches whenever I could. I don't sell myself, but I love looking at the work of others to see what people are doing. You are definitely one of the top names in the business!