Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Those that live in glass houses...

...should not throw stones.


I imagine this might not make sense to most people reading this, but heck, what's a blog for if not to rant occasionally about something that's irking you!

So here goes (and this has nothing to do with me, by the way, just something I happened to read on someone else's blog)...

I think its mean to call someone out if they aren't allowed to defend themselves.  I think its doubly mean to then allow other people to post comments, basically ganging up on someone in a very one sided fight.  There are two sides to every story, always- two versions, two accounts.  

Everyone hates a rank whore, got it.  But how are you any better by blogging about one?  You aren't.  I say you are worse, particularly by creating a public forum to display your moral superiority.  Ick.

I just wonder if the said blogger realizes how often her bags are used to do the very thing she's condemning-  make others feel inferior...